Nancy Heslin from Monaco Life wrote as she prepared to ride with us...
It’s no secret that I’m an avid swimrunner and absolutely passionate about open water swimming. I am in the Mediterranean year-round, a minimum of three times a week and for at least 5 km a session, unless there’s a jellyfish infestation and I get grossed out, which happens once or twice a year. I’m not fast, by any means, but I am strong.
I swapped the 50-metre chlorine pool for the natural salty sea about three years ago, and have no regrets. It’s not a simple transition; you have to get used to all things living in the Med, some divine – a school of fish on a crystal-clear morning – and others, not so – like jellyfish, and the water can be face-burning cold and choppy. But it’s a glorious (and free) opportunity to connect with nature and I share my enthusiasm about swimming with anyone who’s willing to listen (and even those who aren’t)...
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